CSRA Worship Center


Even though we are currently a small congregation, we value giving, missions, and service. As you will see below, these are a few of the ministries that we support on a regular basis. Giving  has been our number one expenditure for the past three years.  We understand that the Heart of God is to give, and we want to be like Him in this way. Please read through and prayerfully, consider giving toward these causes as well. 


Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center provides a safe place for women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. They offer free pregnancy tests, pregnancy verifications, referrals for free ultrasounds, maternity assistance, resources and information on pregnancy options, maternity assistance, counciling, support groups and more.


Falcon Children’s Home and Family Services has been providing a home for children who, for whatever reason are unable to live with their parents in a regular home setting for over 114 years. Their mission is to provide a home for children needing out-of-home placement. They desire to provide services and opportunities that will enhance the total well-being of every child mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is accomplished in a Christian environment where the principles and values upon which the Home was established are emphasized.
Ambassadors is an international missions ministry based out of Freedom Christian Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Their work focuses on meeting the most impoverished communities’ physical and spiritual needs in Central America and North America through short-term mission projects.

Deb’s Orphanage and Jesus Christ Worship Center

India Orphanage Origin Story – Many years ago, Prasannath Gera, out of India contacted us to seek out Biblical wisdom. Much of India does not offer Biblical Education. As we had an online presence teaching the Bible, we began a relationship purely teaching what certain verses meant and helping to bring understanding. YEARS PASSED. I began to notice on Prasannath’s social media that he and his wife, Sujatha, were helping to feed local orphans. The conditions are unspeakable and nothing that we could truly understand with an American mindset. These kids are living in tents near a drainage area with no adult supervision…by the masses. And when the rain came, the bus station stopped letting them stay there. Prasannath provided a tarp-covered area for the children sitting on concrete slabs to learn about Jesus and eat. I asked if he had any electronic payment method, that we would like to be able to send some money to ehlp. “No Pastor Babb, we do not ask for any money”, was the response we got and did not expect. It was over six months of us encouraging him to get a paypal for him to be able to do that. We began sending money each month to help feed the kids. Long story short, a woman at our church, Deb White began to feel a pressing need for our church to consider building an orphanage for these kids. There were so many reasons to not go forward in this endeavor. Prasannath and his family could have said, “no way!” as the workload of, basically, adopting over 20 orphans at one time and caring for them would overwhelm anyone. But they said, “The Lord’s WIll be done.” Our church could have said, “no way!” as we had about 30-40 members and this would be a huge feat. But we said, “The Lord’s Will be done.” During this time, Deb got sick and later passed away. We do not think that it is a coincidence that the day of Deb’s funeral was also the day of the groundbreaking on the orphanage. Through many gifts sent in and faithful givers at our local church, the orphanage was built in record timing. Prasannath beautifully named it Deb’s Orphanage. Soon thereafter, they began going into the villages and sharing the Gospel and launched the Jesus Christ Worship Center. In an area full of Hinduism and antiChrist agenda, Minister Prasannath, a math teacher from India, began to boldly preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ without trying to camouflage it in any way by naming the church after our Lord! Please consider praying and supporting these ministries. You can give to the CSRA Worship Center by airmarking “India” or give to Prasannath directly through his paypal at the link below.