CSRA Worship Center

CSRA Ministry Team

Paul and April Babb


Paul Babb

Lead Pastor

Pastor Paul Babb has been a resident of North Augusta his whole life. He received Christ on January 1, 1989 at Bath Pentecostal Holiness Church and, shortly thereafter, heard the call to preach. Over the years, he has been involved in several different ministry roles including: Royal Rangers, Youth Pastor, Deacon Board, Pastoral Care Partners, Board of Directors for Enkindle Ministries, and radio ministry, among other areas. Paul is a graduate of Christian Life School of Theology. He enjoys counseling, preaching, and tending the flock of God. Paul has a true pastor’s heart for people. Paul’s vision for the church as “Where Church IS Family” has truly shaped the church into a family atmosphere. Paul and April have enjoyed their pastorate since stepping into that role January 2018. They are residents of North Augusta, SC and have five beautiful children: Jordan, Kylie, Bella, Judah, Jasper and one daughter-in-love, Emily. He can be contacted @ Pastor.CSRAWorship@gmail.com


April Babb

Teacher/ Worship Leader

April Babb began attending the CSRA Worship Center in 1990. She got saved, baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, and married her husband, Paul, all within the walls of this church. Needless to say, her heart runs deep for this local body of Believers. April founded People Ablaze Ministries in 2014 which is still in existence today for any itinerant ministry needed in the area of revival, prayer, or deliverance. She has been privileged to serve in many areas of ministry including: preaching, teaching, leading worship, writing, prayer ministry, and radio ministry. She has been humbled to see many healed, delivered, and encouraged through the power of the Holy Spirit. April teaches he Discovering Series of classes every Sunday morning at 9:30. She is also a registered nurse that works for a local home health company. She can be contacted @ PeopleAblaze@gmail.com.