Being at the CSRA Worship Center has truly been a blessing to my life. Throughout my middle and high school year, I struggled with negative thoughts and speaking negativity about situations that didn’t look promising or situations that hadn’t even occurred yet. I allowed defeat to control me rather than speaking life into the situation. Discovering class helped me realize that “life and death are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21)and I must speak the Words of Christ into my life rather than the lies of the enemy. As I’ve entered college, I have witnessed many people speaking negatively about things that haven't even happened yet. When this occurs, I say something encouraging to replace their negativity with hopeful and positive thinking. In conclusion, CSRA Worship Center has helped me realize how much power your thoughts and words have over every circumstance that happens in life, whether big or small.
CSRA Worship Center and our ministry team have helped me find freedom and new revelations. You never know how or when the Spirit will move here!
Being at CSRA Worship Center has brought healing to our family. We are forever grateful for the godly leadership and each person on fire for Jesus.
The CSRA Worship Center is a place where I am encouraged, equipped, and challenged in my walk with the Lord; a place where we are family, there is freedom, and our pastors are fiery, yet humble.
I have been at CSRA Worship Center a little over a year and from the time I stepped in the doors, I was surrounded by family and the spirit filled me with a fiery THIRST for HIM. I am blessed to say that the well is overflowing! I couldn’t ask for a more loving family in Christ!
I grew up here and have loved this church ever since. To be able to minister here alongside my best friend and husband has been a highlight of my life. Jesus is so good to us! Come join us!!
Being a part of CSRAWC has made a tremendous impact on my life. We are a close-knit group that feels like family. The teachings of our leaders have brought clarity and understanding like never before.
When we came here, I was broken and bound by depression, but so hungry for all of who God is. Paul and April passionately teach and equip us and lead us with a gentle, yet bold, leadership. We are so blessed to be part of this body of fiery believers!